
How to book?

We recommend all requests for care go through our Klinik system. This is available online here Klinik system. You can submit requests from 06:00-18:00 Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). Alternatively you can phone the surgery 08:30-18:00 to be taken through the same process. We also have a touchscreen in the privacy room at both Wistaria and Milford which is a room next to reception.

Wistaria Telephone: 01590 672212

Milford Telephone: 01590 643022

To see a detailed timetable of GP availability please link below

Urgent Appointments “on the day appointments”

We have some face to face and telephone appointments available for use on the day. This might be at the Iris Suite or at Wistaria or Milford Surgery. Use the Klinik system and select “urgent new medical issue”.

Extended Hours Appointments

Extended hours appointments are available outside our usual opening hours on early weekday mornings and late evenings for patients who are unable to attend the surgery during our usual working hours. Please ask reception and explain that you cannot attend during usual hours. We try to be flexible with appointments and if you are unable to get an appointment at a time that is convenient for you reception will do their best to help.


If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else. You can inform us using the “cancellations” option in Klinik.

DNA (did not attend) Appointments

Unfortunately approximately 225 appointments per month are (DNAs), i.e. the patient does not turn up for the appointment and does not contact the surgery in advance to cancel/change appointment.

The effect of this is:

  • An increase in the waiting time for appointments
  • Frustration for both staff and patients
  • A waste of resources

All DNAs will be logged on the practice computer as per our DNA policy, patients who DNA on three or more occurrences will be contacted by the practice manager. Further occurrences may result in offending patients being removed from our practice list.