Friends & Family Test

Friends and Family Test

The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is an important feedback method. It supports the fundamental principle that people who use NHS services should have the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience.

This kind of feedback is vital in helping us give you a better service.

Please could you take a moment to complete the questions below: 

Where did you have contact with us? *
Overall, how was your experience of our service?

Monthly Reports

Comments may be anonymously published as part of a monthly report for review by patients and practice staff.

I consent for the practice to publish my comments anonymously


Information entered into this form is used only for the purposes of processing your Friends & Family Test submission. Information entered  is stored and accessed securely by designated Practice staff.

The form does not require personal information. Any personal information given via this form may be anonymised by the Practice when this is required to ensure compliance with General Data Protection Regulation.

Issues raised in comments may be discussed between relevant members of the Practice. This information may be used to improve services provided by the practice.

All submissions are collated and sent to NHS England.