Statin alternative

Had issues with Statins?

We might be able to try an alternative option

If you have tried a Statin before and not got on with this then there are a few options we could consider.

  • You could try an alternative Statin – we will review your notes and issue a different drug
  • You could try Ezetimibe instead (see below)
  • You may decide you are happy not taking anything

NICE have a decision aid which is a useful document to have a look at to help you decide if you would like to try taking a statin again. You can read the decision aid here. The document includes a section on potential side effects.

After having a look at the document from NICE we would recommend having a look at the information below before submitting the online form at the base of this page. Before any prescription is issued your notes will be reviewed by a doctor and you will receive further information by text/email or in the post which you can review before starting the medication.

Non-urgent advice: Statins

Statins are tablets taken once daily normally in the evenings. They reduce cholesterol by working on the liver. Atorvastatin is the most commonly prescribed.

You should have a blood test 3 months and 12 months after starting a statin to check the liver is happy and to check your cholesterol level.

If your cholesterol level does not decrease enough then a higher dose may be recommended.

Side effects can be an issue but most people get on fine with taking statins. Muscle ache is the most common issue but this can normally be managed by switching statin or reducing the dose. You can read more about potential side effects here.

If you opt to start a statin we will send you more information on what to watch out for.

Non-urgent advice: Other medications

Ezetimibe is a medication taken once daily which reduces cholesterol. It is less effective at reducing cholesterol but is an option for those who have not got on with statins or would rather not try them.

Ezetimibe is normally well tolerated but it can caused some side effects which you can read about here.

You may decide that you are on enough medication already and would rather not take anything more. This is a completely reasonable decision. The evidence for benefit is particularly weak if you are aged over 85. You can also decline now but discuss again in the future.

You can use the form below to let us know what you would like to do:

Select and option below to see more detail before making a decision.
Select an option below to see more detail about each option before clicking submit:
  • Your notes will be reviewed by a doctor and a statin prescribed if appropriate.
  • You will be contacted by text/email or letter with further information to read before starting the medication.
  • You will be contacted after 3 months and a year for a blood test.

If you develop any issues you should contact the surgery.

  • Your notes will be reviewed by a doctor and ezetimibe prescribed if appropriate.
  • This medication does not tend to be as effective and has less evidence of benefit.
  • You will be contacted by letter with further information to read before starting the medication.
  • You will be contacted after 3 months for a blood test.

If you develop any issues you should contact the surgery.

We will add a note to your records to say that you do not want medication to reduce your cholesterol.

If you change your mind you can always submit the form again or contact the surgery to let us know.

We will arrange for someone to contact you from the surgery to discuss further. Clinician time is limited as funding for General Practice continues to be squeezed.

Please let us know using the box below how best to contact you.