Health and Social Care workers

Use the following form to inform us that you work in the health or social care sector. When you submit this form your record will be reviewed and you will be added to the waiting list for a COVID vaccination if appropriate. Remember to click the submit button.

Health and Social Care Staff

Hospital Hub sites rather than Milford Hospital are leading on the vaccination of health and social care staff working to the NHS England operational guidance issued on 7 January 2021 which outlines staff groups as including but not limited to the following:

  1. Staff working on the vaccination programme
  2. Staff who have frequent face-to-face contact with patients and who are directly involved in patient care in either secondary or primary care, mental health, urgent and emergency care and community settings including dentists, optometrists and pharmacists
  3. Those working in independent, voluntary and non-standard healthcare settings such as hospices, and community-based mental health or addiction services
  4. Laboratory, pathology and mortuary staff including funeral directors
  5. Those working for a sub-contracted provider of facilities services such as porters or cleaners
  6. Temporary, locum or ‘bank’ staff, including those working in the COVID-19 vaccination programme, students, trainees and volunteers who are working with patients
  7. Frontline social care workers directly working with vulnerable people who need care and support irrespective of where they work (for example in hospital, people’s own homes, day centres, or supported housing); or who they are employed by (for example local government, NHS, independent sector or third sector).

You should be contacted directly by them.

If you do not hear anything you can enquire by emailing:

[email protected]

We are sorry for the inconvenience but we have been advised to focus on the other at risk groups who likely are not able to so easily travel.