The flu vaccination programme starts on 3rd October 2024. This is later than normal, if you want to know why please Click Here. We are not able to give any doses before this date.
Flu and COVID vaccination appointments are now available for booking. It is really important that you are booked into the correct clinic. Appointments will be available for Flu only, or Flu and Covid at the same time (two injections). Covid appointments on their own will also be available at the surgery or can be booked elsewhere via the National Booking Service.
Non-urgent advice: Weekend Flu Clinics
Sunday 6th October – Wistaria Surgery
Appointments for Flu only or Flu and Covid vaccinations
UPDATE 12/9/24 – We have run out of our initial allocation of COVID vaccine, we will be getting more but we would suggest you book for Flu and then get the COVID vaccination later in October or November. Flu vaccines are delivered in bulk whereas COVID vaccine deliveries are staggered through October and November
We will have some COVID only appointments at the surgeries but this can also be booked elsewhere using the National Booking Service from 23/9/24.
How to book
The best way to book is using the NHS app. Alternatively you can book with patient access. You can book by phone if necessary, you may find it quicker to get through in the afternoons. We also send booking invites by text message which allow you to book directly into appointments.
Chose the correct appointment type:
- FLU OVER 65 – For those aged 65 or over (or turning 65 before 1/4/25) who want a Flu vaccination only
- FLU AND COVID OVER 65 – For those aged 65 or over (or turning 65 before 1/4/25) who want both Flu and COVID vaccinations
- FLU UNDER 65 – For those eligible aged 18-64 (not turning 65 before 1/4/25) who want Flu vaccination only
- FLU AND COVID UNDER 65 – For those eligible aged 18-64 (not turning 65 before 1/4/25) who want both Flu and COVID vaccinations
- COVID VACCINE – These are for COVID only for anyone eligible which includes all those aged 65 and over
Attending a clinic
- You need a booked appointment, for some clinics you will be told a colour which you should try and remember
- Stick with members of your household, you can enter the vaccination room together
- No walk ins
- Do not attend if you have a cough, fever or loss of taste or smell
- Please do not arrive early
Patient Information Leaflets – Read before you attend
We would recommend you have a look at the documents linked below before you attend. Click on the button appropriate to you. These options are for adults only.