Do you have the ability to work additional sessions at Milford War Memorial Hospital to support the delivery of COVID-19 vaccinations?
If so please complete the following form to show when you might be not working normally and potentially free to do additional paid (or volunteer) sessions. Remember to press the submit button.
What roles are we looking for?
- Vaccinators – registered health professionals who can consent and vaccinate e.g. doctors, nurses and prescribing pharmacists. This does not include HCA’s who are unfortunately not allowed to consent patients.
- Non-vaccinators – people who have some healthcare experience but are not registered health professionals. e.g. HCA’s or those with some healthcare experience. Need to be comfortable checking peoples temperatures and observing patients e.g. in the observation room. May also be involved in directing patients.
- Admin – those purely interested in an admin role which may involve checking in patients or supporting vaccinators. May also be asked to be involved in directing patients.
- Diluter (non-vaccinator) – this is an option for those who can dilute Pfizer vaccine but are not able to vaccinate due to not being able to legally consent patients e.g. pharmacy technicians