Boys’ Views Survey
Hampshire CAMHS are running a boys’ survey throughout this year; please see the rationale and outline below. We would appreciate this being shared, through the poster attached which has a QR code, or via the link directly to the survey below;
The Boys survey:
The plan is to carry out a Hampshire wide survey, and focus groups of boys between the ages of 11-18 years. This would encompass a lifestyle section, to include views around drugs, sex and relationships, education, hobbies, sleep, disability, LGBTQ+, friendships, crime, aspirations, and issues relating to BAME.
The rationale around including these sections would be encouraging boys to complete something that they may not do if it were purely about mental health. But also, to have an understanding around 21st century boys, their life issues and attitudes. These issues also relate to, and are integral to, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. The outcome intention is to create an opportunity to shape services, and create opportunities where relevant, to collaborate with partners.