Message from Practice Manager 26/03/2021
Dear Patient
We are all delighted by how well the Covid vaccination programme is going and welook forward to this improving the quality of life for all of us.
We know that you, like us, are struggling with the confines still imposed upon us all due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
• We are currently vaccinating all those aged 50 or over
• If you are in this age-group please book your appointment:o Phone on 119o Click Or via the text or e mail link we have sent you
• Please do make sure you keep your vaccine appointment.
We will always put your health first and have continued to consult with our patients throughout the last year of Covid.
We are working towards coming out of lockdown, and know that some pandemic changes are here to stay.
We are likely to:
• Maintain some appointments via the telephone, and internet
• We will continue to follow government guidelines to protect both patients and staff which may reduce the numbers allowed in the surgery at any one time and/or introduce a one way system etc.
Thank you for your patience as we all work through these changes, and do look after yourselves by attending all your appointments including those for immunisations and screening.
Jan Lamont, Practice Manager